Basic concepts of JavaScript which everyone should know

2 min readSep 12, 2021

1. console.log()

console.log(), it is a method to show output in web browser console. It is a very basic method. It is very useful in testing small parts while building big projects.

console.log("Hello World!");


Scope means the access to the variable. It is a type of boundary, like when something is declared inside a scope it cannot be accessed outside that scope. Scopes are of two types:

Local Scope: It is a box which contains boundaries. Where elements declared inside scope cannot be accessed by variables outside the scope.

Global Scope: It is a box which has no boundaries. Where elements are declared without a scope. It can be accessed from anywhere in the code.


querySelector is a document method used to return elements that matches with declared selector/s. Using querySelector HTML elements can be selected into JavaScript.

var outputBox = document.querySelector(‘#output');


querySelectorAll selects all the elements with specific group of selectors declared with class in HTML

const outputDiv = document.querySelectorAll('.output');

4.Arrow Functions

Arrow Function syntax is a simpler than normal function. It reduces lines of code and makes easy to understand complex function. It is limited and cannot be used in all situations.

const list = [ 'bread', 'milk', 'biscuit', 'wafers' ];console.log( => list.valueOf(list)));


Promise is an object that is much similar to a promise in real life, like promise to someone. A promise has two outcomes, either it will be fulfilled or not. A promise has three states: Pending, Fulfilled and Rejected.

  • Pending: initial state i.e. neither fulfilled nor rejected.
  • Fulfilled: completed successfully.
  • Rejected: operation failed.
Example of Promise
Example of Promise

then() is invoked when a promise is either resolved or rejected.


Event Listener is a method that adds an event handler to a specific element. We can add many EventListener like mouse events, touch events, mouse hover, onClick, dblclick , etc.

HTML<button id="click-btn">Click</button>JavaScript
var clickBtn = document.querySelector('#click-btn');
clickBtn.addEventListner('click', clickHandler);function clickHandler() {

